Batman has been very good, he has gotten a lot of exercise and socialization with other dogs. Yesterday was beautiful and sunny out, Batman was able to play with five other dogs, including his good friends Rusko and Milo. As well as, other dogs that live in the area, who are Bear, Sasha, and Marley. Batman had a great time and always love to see friends and meet new ones. He especially likes bear, who is a year and a half old black lab.
Now that the weather is heating up and the sun is out, Batman gets very tired easily. Batman's black coat absorbs a lot of sunlight and gets him very tired, which is nice because he gets even more tired and will sleep in longer the next morning. This morning i woke up at 12 and was surprised to wake up and see Batman asleep at the foot of my bed. Usually Batman wakes up around 8a.m and will cry and beg for me to wake up, as well as trying to take my blankets off of me.
I have come to realize that I have been slacking in teaching Batman new commands and tricks. I still practice the commands he knows when giving him food and treats, but he has gotten very good at them and now needs a challenge. Therefore, for the next week my goal is to tech Batman new commands/tricks, such as rollover and learning to fetch.