Batman has had a great week we went to visit his cousin Zeus again and they seemed a lot more comfortable with each other now. Zeus still gets annoyed if batman doesn't let him rest after a while of playing, but he is gentle when playing with Batman.
Nala |
Milo and Batman chasing Nala
Almost everyday I try to organize a puppy playdate for batman so that he is able to socialize with other dogs, as well as getting a great exercise in. Especially on Fridays and Saturdays when I stay out late at night I try to let him get a few hours to play outside. This past weekend Batman was able to play with his friends, Milo and Nala. They have a great time playing with the frisbee, tennis balls, and sticks.
Letting batman play and get tired before I go out at night not only is great for him but it also puts my mind to ease. When I do not have time to let Batman exercise a lot I feel bad and he is usually awake and ready to play when I get home late at night and I just want to sleep.
Milo |
One thing I plan on doing his next puppy playdate is to work on his command, "Come". He is great at responding when alone in my room but when he is outside and with other dogs he has trouble hearing and responding to me. Therefore, his next playdate I will bring treats with me and every once in a while I will call for Batman and give him a treat (reward).
I will be interested to see how Batman responds to "come" with other dogs around. This is an area that I have had problems with while training my puppy. I recently changed up my strategy and have stopped using the command to get his to respond. Instead, I put his treats in a shakable container that makes a lot of noise. When I want him to respond I shake the container and he normally focusses his attention on me. Then when he comes to me I tell him "good come" or something along those lines. Now that I have done that for a while he has seemed to learned the command. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteI just caught up on your blog. Seems like things are going well with Batman. I hope you can get him to start playing frisbee with you soon!