With midterms and other work piling up, I haven't been able to organize a puppy playdate for Batman. Although we have taken several walks and I have played fetch with him and let him run around in the backyards of HPU's North college town homes.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, it was in the 50s therefore, even though I had work I brought batman outside and let him play we tried to play fetch although batman has yet to understand how to play fetch with a tennis ball. He will chase after it then once he gets to the ball he sprints around it and comes back to me with out it, and his face looks as if he thinks he did the right thing. After attempting to play fetch with the tennis ball for a while Batman found a stick and I decided to see if he would play fetch with that, oddly enough Batman brought the stick back and dropped it at my feet.

While playing outside yesterday I also worked with Batman on his command, "Come". I've been wanting to work on this because whenever Batman is outside and/or playing with other pups he has a hard time listening. Therefore, I brought treats with me and would let Batman roam around, then say the "Come!" and if we would I would give him a treat. After, awhile of being outside and practicing the command I saw major improvement. I will now continue to do this and then hopefully the next time Batman has a puppy playdate he will listen.
Caught batman with a drool bubble |
At the end of this week HPU's Spring break will start and I will be traveling to my aunts to have her look after Batman for the week. This will be the longest I will be without Batman and it will be a test/learning opportunity for Batman. This next week without me will help him learn to respond to others as well as being comfortable with others without me being there.