Batman has recently turned five months old and about 30 lbs. I have continued to practice all of his commands and he has become very responsive to all commands/tricks including sit, stay, lay down, come, leave it, and paw/other paw. As well as being potty trained, he has not gone to the bathroom in the house since back in CT, in early January. Also, I have also been able to leave him for longer hours of the day. The longest I will leave him will be around 4 hours and even when I leave him for a little longer he has been great at waiting until I come home to be let out.

This past weekend Batman met his cousin ZEUS, Zeus is my sister and boyfriend's seven year old Great Dane that is 160 lbs. This had been an introduction that my sister and I have been looking forward to since I adopted Batman. Although at the same time we were both just hoping they will get along, considering Zeus is five times Batman's weight and could probably eat batman in one bite if Zeus wanted (or strike batman with the wrath of a lightning bolt). Although, overall the introduction went great. We brought them to the dog park in my sisters apartment complex and let the run around and play together. It was very entertaining because Batman would be sprinting as fast as he can after Zeus or running away, and Zeus would catch up to him in a few strides because he is so tall and has such long legs. After playing for a little Batman came over to me and I noticed that he looked like he just took a bath. This was because Zeus enjoyed wrapping his jaw around Batman's entire body and would drool all over his back. Although the played great for a little after a while, Zeus got tired of Batman and wanted nothing to do with him. But Batman would continue to try and would lick his face a jump on him. Which Zeus did not like and would bark at Batman and Batman would bark back and run under the tables and chairs to hide. Even though after a while Zeus got tired and annoyed by Batman, I would say the introduction was a success. My sister, her boyfriend, and I concluded that Zeus is just old , especially for a great dane and just doesn't have the energy and patience for a puppy, as well as great danes are typically very relaxed and mellow dogs.
Here are pictures of Batman and Zeus on Christmas.
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