Batman had a great weekend because he was able to see my mom and sister during parents weekend whom he loves, as well as playing with his friend, Rusko. My mom has not seen Batman since christmas and was shocked at how big he has gotten, as well as his improvement with his training. Although, as soon as my mom arrived it was hard for Batman to listen and behave because he was exploding with excitement. He jumped on my mom and constantly begged for attention and licking her face. To work off all the excitement I called up my friend Paul to bring Rusko over and let them play. They had a great time and another puppy came out to play as well, named Milo. Milo is small 4 month old mix of several unknown breeds, but is cute and loves to play with Rusko and Batman. Batman enjoys playing with Milo because he is smaller and Batman is able to catch up to him, unlike Rusko who is an Australian Shepherd and is very fast. Therefore Batman tends to give up chasing Rusko and goes after Milo.

While my mom was here we often talked about the experience of raising a puppy in a college environment. I believe that the residence that I live in and it's environment is great. I am fortunate that I have an entire town home to myself that I am able to maintain and make sure it is a suitable living area for a puppy. This way I do not have to worry about roommates leaving food and other things that could harm Batman. As well as not feeling guilt after Batman breaks something that is not mine. Also, HPU has created a great complex for dogs, that include waste baskets and partially enclosed area where all dogs can play without the risk of running away. In addition, having the easy availability of other dogs for Batman to interact with has given him the chance to learn how to play with all types of dogs. As well as not reacting badly when introduced to a new person.
On the other hand there are environments in college in which puppies should not be raised in. Puppies need a safe, clean, and spacious environment. I have heard many stories of students that try and raise a puppy in a dorm. This is a terrible environment because it is often a loud environment, as well as often dirty. Another problem with raising a puppy in a dorm is that puppies are not allowed in dorms, therefore students often get caught and are forced to find a new home for the puppy. After a puppy gets caught what usually happens is that the puppy gets moved from dorm-to-dorm and have several owners, which will stress the puppy out and could cause problems and fears for them in the future.
Having my mom come visit was great, Batman was extremely happy to see her and Batman was able to get a new bed, which he loves. (Thanks mom)